Today’s architecture and urban planning need to be redefined. Definitions of architecture have found differences both according to its past and according to what is happening in the public mind today. It is up to us to redefine the mentioned definitions and to have double efficiency from this very important field.
Today, architecture and urban planning are integrated; One of the basic subjects of architecture and urban planning is “selection”. Holistic architecture and urban planning, not only on the body and function, but also looks at many issues such as social, economic, financial, market, meaning, energy, climate, construction, etc. at the same time. Today’s architecture does not only consider the goals of beauty and efficiency, but also emphasizes other goals such as sustainability, justification and economic efficiency, having a sense of place and transcendent aspects, branding, durability, etc., and puts optimization in every decision. . Each of the above matters and goals has many specialized branches that are very advanced today and its specialists achieve higher efficiency in that field every day with the help of modern knowledge and advanced technologies. The role of architecture, urban planning and, in a word, environment design, is “integrated optimization” in every decision from the macro to the small and the translation of numerous specialized decisions into the language of “form”. The environment designer designs a body that is a unique answer to a chain of many specialized questions and basic and wisdom goals.
Another aspect of integration in today’s architecture and urban planning is defined between container and container. In other words, today’s architecture and urban planning is not a passive creation, which is in full interaction and integration with every time (past, present and future) and every place (from the spoon to the city). A room is a container for multiple spaces and functions, and the container itself is a kind of house called a house, a house is also a container on a complex, and the space and place and the container itself are a neighborhood, and the same development continues to the city, country, region and the world. Today’s house fits in the space of time, from the distant future to the distant past, because it owes its identity to the past, and its technology and efficiency are a reflection of future research. Architecture and urban planning today is a “system”; is a “matrix”.
Service description
Based on the above definitions and views, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of ISB Shahr Group includes a wide range of services in the following fields:
1- Architectural design and supervision from micro to macro scales and from the initial phases to the third phase;
2- Interior design of groups in multiple functions (residential, commercial, office, hospital, etc.);
3- Studies and analysis of architectural projects in small, medium and large scales in the form of zero phase (the first part of the first phase);
4- Presenting explanatory plans based on the requirements of the urban scale plan;
5- Presenting thematic and topical city plans,
6- Value engineering and integrated analysis of project plans and programs;
7- Planning and programming of projects based on goals (efficiency, sustainability, durability, etc.) and categories (economic, financial, market, etc.) multiple and integrated.


  • Category: Departments
  • Project date: آگوست 27, 2024
  • Author: ISBadmin